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Purposes of practicum

Purpose of our practicum in other country is to learn:

·         Teaching and learning process

·         Multi cultural education

·         Diversity of learners

·         Proper way of dealing with other people, and

·         Gain experience













Procedures of practicum

Procedure of our practicum is as follow:

·         Application for qualification to the program in our university

·         Interview with in our university and college

·         Preparing Bio data

·         Interview with the host university

·         SEAMEO online orientation

·         SEAMEO online seminar about writing Blog

·         Working on paper work

·         Travel

·         Orientation with the receiving university

·         Observation in class

·         Teaching assistant, and lastly

·         Teaching practice











Outcomes of practicum

 Outcome of the practicum for me is it change me a lot, from Lombok to Yogyakarta experience, from high school teacher in the Philippines to being an elementary teacher in Indonesia, and from a simple minded person who always depend from her parent I can say I've improve and I've change a lot in good ways. It made more want to teach and impart my knowleged to the youth. 


The challenges of practicum

Challenges that I face is being away from my parents and be in a situation where I can't ask for their help because I'm away from them. Being in Lombok even just for a day make me stronger and to face the reality of life that we, people can't fight against the nature and that is why here in my blog I want to promote the protection in our environment because we never when and how will the nature pay back from what we have done to them. Other challenge that i face is Language Barrier and that is why we try our best to learn the Bahasa.



Overall impression

Over all I feel blessed to be part of this program and I am thankful for giving me the chance to experience this all. It will not just help me in my future but instead it prepares me for life. Being in this program is like a roller coaster ride a lot of up’s and down but still fun to ride and experience. Impact for me having all the experience is that it makes be believe in every experience good or bad we still learn from it and that life is not a perfect as what we have seen some people will always challenge and push us down but we must find ways to get up and prove to them that they are wrong. I learn to stand still, be strong and believe that God is with me. This journey open my eyes to the reality of life, we must deal with different people, be flexible in any situation and always pray for our guidance and protection. it it’s a great opportunity and I will be forever thankful to the university for giving me the chance to experience this all.


Suggestions for future improvement

Being a sea teacher you should be mentally prepared by the entire situation that you will be facing you should be flexible in the entire situation and know how to handle stress and pressure. Lastly is always pray for all the things that is been happening always be thankful and ask guidance from above.

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