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Teaching methods

Teaching method used by the teacher in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem is observer, assignee, question and answer, discussion and practice. Teachers are very systematic in terms of teaching they follow a certain flow and it was effective in the class. Even if the school has its own curriculum I notice that every teacher try their best to innovate it and match it to the students behavior, it only prove that curriculum is there for their guide but it is really up to the teacher itself what she/he wants to use in the classroom.















Learning materials and innovation

Learning material use is text books, work sheet, other material such as game board and video presentation but in every teacher that I’ve observe they have its own material as an instructional material
















Sources of learning and technology

SD Muhammadiyah Pakem has its own Computer laboratory and language laboratory for their students and they use it to widen the knowledge of the students. The school does not rely on text book itself they find ways to improve the students knowledge by using laboratories.



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