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SD Muhammadiyah Pakem

SD Muhammadiyah Pakem School Profile

"The World Window of the Merapi Slopes"

                      Starting from a desire to have a quality elementary school, SD Muhammadiyah Pakem ventured to make a jargon " School of Achievement in Kutho" , this was intended to motivate all existing stake holders to devote all their thoughts, energy and abilities to optimize achievement. Of course this is not an easy job when viewed from: Geographical location of schools located on the slopes of Mount Merapi

                              Social status Economics and education are at the transition level

Is a new school so its existence has not been fully accepted and there are many more obstacles that exist.

Difficult work does not mean it is not possible "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE". With the intention to balance Academic ability with Emotional ability, or with the principle of "Smart but still moral" then the WORK ETHOS of Educators and Educators in SD Muhammad Pakem are: 1. Hard Work, 2. Smart Work, 3. Ikhlas Work and Complete Work. With the spirit of work it brings significant results both Academic and Non Academic Achievements that are able to color Achievement in Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta Special Region. Finally it will come true as the VISION & MISSION of the School. With the spirit of Achievement SD Muhammadiyah Pakem is ready to deliver to the generation of smart and charming people.


















History of Sd muhammadiyah pakem

SD Muhammadiyah Pakem was established on July 14, 2013. At that time the SD Muhammadiyah Pakem occupied a former building from the relics of the Muhammadiyah Pakem Vocational School and officially had a standing permit on December 30, 2006. SD Muhammadiyah Pakem is a distant class from SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur whose achievements have been Go- international, which at that time was agreed upon by cooperation between the two parties to manage and develop schools. The handover of the cooperation was signed by the Chairperson of the Assembly of the Head of the Muhammadiyah Branch of the Pakem Subdistrict, namely Mr. Drs. Wardjana and Mr. Dr. Ir. Sunarto Gunadi, Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Subdistrict Branch Office, Depok, on March 30, 2013 / Sunday, 28 Muharam 1424 H. Because of the limited school facilities at that time,

Starting from a desire to have a quality elementary school, SD Muhammadiyah Pakem ventured to make a jargon of " School of Achievement in Kutho" , this was intended to motivate all existing stakeholders to devote all their thoughts, energy and abilities to optimize school achievement. Of course this is not an easy job when viewed from the factors:

  • Geographical location / location of schools located on the slopes of Mount Merapi

  • Socio-economic and educational status is at the transition level

  • Is a new school so its existence has not been fully accepted and there are many more obstacles that exist.

Difficult work does not mean it is impossible, thanks to Allah SWT with a sincere intention to balance academic abilities with emotional abilities, or with the principle of "Smart but still moral" then the WORK ETHOS of Educators and Educators at Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School are: 1. Hard Work, 2. Smart Work, 3. Ikhlas Work and Complete Work. In addition, the active role of the school committee council and the guardian of students as school partners in supporting school achievement as well as in the spirit of work brought significant results both Academic and Non Academic Achievements that were able to color the achievements in both Sleman and Yogyakarta Special Districts. This was proven at the beginning of graduating 6th graders and the 4th graduate of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem managed to steal the attention of the education world because the National Examination results were quite good, even one of the Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School Students managed to become one of the best at the DIY Province level. Finally, thus, will be realized as VISION & MISSION of the School. With the spirit of achievementSD Muhammadiyah Pakem is ready to lead to a generation of smart and charming people. Amiin

Mission Vission of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem


Leading in achievement, exemplary in akhlaqul karimah, skilled in innovation, independent, environmentally sound and disaster response.


  1. The realization of an adaptive and proactive curriculum development.

  2. The realization of effective and efficient learning.

  3. The realization of intelligent and competitive alumni.

  4. The realization of human resources who have the ability and work ability based on faith and devotion

  5. The realization of relevant and up-to-date educational infrastructure facilities.

  6. The realization of strong school management.

  7. The realization of adequate education fundraising

  8. The realization of academic and non-academic performance assessment standards.




















The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding objectives, content, learning materials, and ways used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities to achieve educational goals. These objectives include the objectives of national education as well as the suitability with specificities, conditions and potential of the region, education units and students. Therefore, the curriculum is prepared by an education unit to enable the adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential in the area.


















Teaching Plan:

                This teaching Plan is for Grade 5 and it contain all the lesson that they will be discussing for the whole school year 






























Materials and other learning sources:


Library is a source of knowledge for students. Various kinds of knowledge and knowledge can be learned by reference books. For this reason, CNI-SCHOOL pays attention to the availability of books in the library.

The CNI - SCHOOL Library is one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries for school sizes in the province of Yogyakarta. Various kinds of books from various disciplines are available in the library. The number of book collections owned by CNI-SCHOOL until 2016, counted 26,000 books stored on the library shelves.

This number includes 17,000 domestic printed books and 9,000 foreign printed books. This amount is very large when compared to other schools.

The newest thing from the library is that students can access e-books for free using a computer that has been provided. Students simply come to the library, and can access by showing library member cards. If you want to copy parts of a book, you can use a photocopier. Contact the library officer if you need help


Sports Center

Sport Center of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem is not that big but still usable and efficient for all the students. The sport center help to nourish the talent and improve the sport spirit of each students


Computer Laboratory

Computer laboratory of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem support the learning of the students it widen their ideas by having more sources in the internet.




Service Curriculum

1. Islamic Religious Education

2. Citizenship Education

3. Indonesian

4. Mathematics

5. Social Sciences

6. Natural Sciences (SAINS)

7. Physical Education, Sports and Health

8. Culture and Skills

9. Local Content (Javanese Language)


Muhammadiyah's specialty

1. Kemuhammadiyahan

2. Arabic

3. Qiro'ah

4. Memorization


 Self Development of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem

1. Multi Media

2. English

3. Hizbul Wathan (HW)

4. Read Write the Qur'an (BTQ)


Extracurricular & Intra-Curricular Activities

1. Robotics

2. Iqro '

3. Student Development

4. Qiro'ah

5. Tartil

6. TapakSuci

7. English

8. Swimming

9. Painting

10. Scouting Hizbul Wathon

11. Les Field Study

12. Football

13. Children's band

14. Drumbband

15. Jarithmetic

16. Multimedia

17. Art Sound Dance

18. Jimbe Hardcore


Support Program

       1. Natural Studies at the end of each year

2. Field Trip at the end of Semester I

3. Out Bond Family at the end of Semester II

4. Dhuha Circumcision

5. Prayers for Mandatory Gathering

6. Ta'ziah and body prayer in a school environment if someone dies

7. Keputrian Guidance

8. Comparative Study

9. Subject and Agility Competition

10. ESQ Songs and Ulangan Tests












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