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Planning for teaching

Planning for the teaching is kind the hard because at first as a teacher you should get their attention and their interest that is why as a teacher you should be creative and innovative in making things different. As what I have observed every teacher ha it own identity in each class they base it to the needs of the students. There are students that is hard to be pleased that is why the teacher try to get their attention by making friends with them or simply be with them, be what they need and be flexible to do all the task that is what I’ve observed.

Preparing lessons and materials

I didn’t have the chance to see how long or how many hours they made their lesson plan because it is really long and detailed. So in what I’ve seen they really make their lesson plan as detailed as they could write.



















Teaching in class

Teachers are like a performer they so all the profession in one class. As what I had observed they we not just a teacher became a singer, dancer, police, actor, and many more. Observing teacher in SDMP opens my mind that as a teacher you should have a good understanding with all the action of the students and teachers in SDMP always wear a smile.



















Measurement and Evaluation 

Teachers evaluate the students in many ways and as what I’ve observe they still give a chance to retake the exam from the students to cope up. Teachers also give a consultation with the students who is having a hard time in class and try to talk to them. Also Teachers and SDMP create a close connection with the parents of their students.



my cooperating teachers miss Rachma and miss Dessy

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